Syncing Multiple Google Calendars on Your iPhone or iPad

Posted by David Chism | Thu, Feb 14, 2013

I got a call this morn­ing from a client who said he was hav­ing sync­ing issues with his google cal­en­dar to his iphone. He had sent me an arti­cle that Google was stop­ping sup­port for Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync…and thought maybe that was caus­ing the sync prob­lem. The good news is that was not the case, and we did get his calendar(s) work­ing again. How did we do it? First, I just real­ized that not all my friends and cus­tomers knew that if they are using Google Apps for Busi­ness, they can sync mul­ti­ple cal­en­dars on their Apple devices. Also Google, with­out telling us, changed the old Google Sync URL. The new” URL I sent to my client solved the cal­en­dar prob­lem. If you are hav­ing a sync­ing prob­lem with your Apple devices go to this URL
  2. Then fol­low these steps from my old blog post: http://​www​.adavid​cre​ation​.com/​h​o​w​-​t​o​-​s​e​t​u​p​-​m​u​l​t​i​p​l​e​-​g​o​o​g​l​e​-​c​a​l​e​n​d​a​r​s​-​o​n​-​a​n​-​i​p​hone/
Most of the time this will clear up any cal­en­dar sync­ing issues. You might need to wait 5+ min­utes for it to work. Be patient, and let me know if this solves your cal­en­dar sync­ing issues between Google and Apple devices. 

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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