Thank You Notes for Lost Jobs

Posted by David Chism | Tue, Feb 22, 2011

 Thank You Notes for Lost Jobs
Last week I remind­ed my friends to ask for refer­rals. It is a sim­ple thing to do but often over­looked. This week, I have yet anoth­er sim­ple sug­ges­tion: write a thank you note to a prospect when you get a no.” Here is what is going on in my mind and prob­a­bly yours as well: Wait a minute, the guy used anoth­er con­trac­tor! He told me my price was more than dou­ble the oth­er guy! The home­own­er was a jerk! If I did that for all the nos I get in a week, that is like 2 hours of writ­ing notes per week. I sim­ply don’t have the time!” blah blah blah! Head Trash! Pure­ly head trash! Why write a note for a job that you lost? Because no one else does it. You nev­er know if that home­own­er or busi­ness will use a com­peti­tor, have a bad expe­ri­ence and call you back in 6 months or even 6 years! Spend your time doing the things that real­ly mat­ter! If you need help writ­ing your notes, then get help. You know what I don’t like about writ­ing notes? I don’t like look­ing up the address, hunt­ing for stamps, and walk­ing out to my mail­box! I know! I’m lazy. So, I got help with my prob­lem. My office man­ag­er, Kirstie, does that part for me! I write the notes, put it in an enve­lope, seal it, and hand it off to Kirstie! She does the rest! Write a note and say some­thing like, Thanks for allow­ing me to bid on your project! It was a plea­sure to meet you. If you ever need my assis­tance in the future, please don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact me.”

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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