Thanks When You Get a No Thanks

Posted by David Chism | Sat, Aug 24, 2013

It can be rather dis­cour­ag­ing when you lose a job that you think you are going to get. I’ve been there many times. The sales process is mov­ing along just great and then, out of the blue, the prospect goes with some­one else. Typ­i­cal­ly it might end with, Thanks for the time but we went with some­one else.” Do you typ­i­cal­ly respond when you get a No thanks” response? Most of us might respond with, best of luck” or thanks for let­ting me know” or get so frus­trat­ed that we do not respond at all. You can also try this lit­tle tip that I have found helpful.

Send Them a Heart­felt Thank You Note

Once you get over the ini­tial shock of los­ing some­thing you think you had sold, dust off the dis­ap­point­ment and send them a heart­felt thank you note and/​or gift. The gift is very option­al and depends on your type of busi­ness. The note, is non option­al. That can be done infor­mal­ly through email or bumped up a few notch­es to a hand­writ­ten note. You might also want to wait a few days for things to cool down.

Yes, It Is Still Marketing

Some of you who read my blog often know that I write about things that might not appear to be mar­ket­ing top­ics. Yet, this and most of what I write is actu­al­ly mar­ket­ing. Every­thing you do in your busi­ness is mar­ket­ing: good and bad. So this tip is a good way to mar­ket” your­self as a per­son or com­pa­ny that is trust­wor­thy, gen­uine and so on. Of course it must be done with sin­cer­i­ty. Keep your notes short and right to the point. It might sound some­thing like this,
I want­ed to just write this lit­tle note and say thank you for giv­ing me a shot at your ______ project. I don’t expect to win every job, and I trust that the com­pa­ny you select­ed will do a great job. Thanks for let­ting me know the out­come as well. I don’t always hear back.  If I can be of ser­vice to you in the future, please do not hes­i­tate to con­tact me. I will remain, at your service.
Have you had suc­cess with writ­ing these types of notes in the past? Have you heard back from your prospects? I typ­i­cal­ly do when I’ve done this approach. I can only remem­ber one time where some­one did not like my fol­low up. Every oth­er time, I received a very pos­i­tive response back.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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