The 2 Percenters

Posted by David Chism | Wed, May 6, 2015

 The 2 Percenters

Dear Pro­fes­sion­al Home Ser­vice Provider,

98% of your cus­tomers are saints! Do not for­get this!

2% can be a real pain, espe­cial­ly with this cur­rent dig­i­tal age and the abil­i­ty to post a neg­a­tive online review at any moment. Do not let these folks threat­en your busi­ness by telling you they might write a hor­ri­ble review unless you give them what they want!

I have recent­ly heard from a num­ber of you all that you end­ed up doing free work for these 2%ers because of their pet­ty threats.

Some of you may have read my post from last week, No Prob­lem vs My Plea­sure. In this post, I men­tioned to always be pos­i­tive and respond to cus­tomers in a way that is not neg­a­tive or cause a cus­tomer to get defen­sive. I think there is a way to stay pos­i­tive even with the 2% of those cus­tomers who you know you just can­not please.

There is a kids song I remem­ber when I was young from a man named Bill Harley that sang these words when some­one said some­thing neg­a­tive to him (in the song that is),

Thank you kind­ly have a very nice day I just like to be that way.” 

You know, it real­ly is not a bad phrase for us adults to say to these peo­ple who can real­ly get us down at times. Learn to shrug it off and walk away. 

Online reviews have been around for well over a decade. I remem­ber when I first start­ed see­ing reviews pop up in the ear­ly 2000 peri­od. It was rare, but when I saw a neg­a­tive review hit the web for my fam­i­ly’s paint com­pa­ny, I would always freak out. I thought per­haps it was the begin­ning of the end. Just a few more neg­a­tive reviews and we’d be out of busi­ness! You know some­thing? I was wrong. It nev­er came back to bite us. We still got lots of leads off of the web from rea­son­able consumers.

It is ok to have some neg­a­tive reviews! If some­one is going to threat­en you that if you do not do exact­ly what they want, they will bury you online, walk away. Do not let these peo­ple win. 

I will close with this, I work with some very pro­fes­sion­al paint­ing and remod­el­ing com­pa­nies around the U.S. and they all take their busi­ness­es’ seri­ous­ly. They all want to serve and please their cus­tomers. They work hard. They hire great peo­ple. They bend over back­wards more times than not to serve their cus­tomers. Yes, they have received a few neg­a­tive reviews, but you know what? Those neg­a­tive reviews are from the 2%ers. They mean noth­ing. I have yet to see how a cou­ple of pid­dly bad reviews with most­ly pos­i­tive reviews has hurt one of my customers.

Let us hope the unrea­son­able con­sumers read the neg­a­tive reviews and do not con­tact you for a quote and the rea­son­able ones read them, shrug their shoul­ders and think the same thing you were think­ing, Must be an unrea­son­able person.”

Here’s to your 98% of fan­tas­tic cus­tomers that keep you in busi­ness. These are the folks you are in busi­ness to serve. Treat them like pre­cious gold!

Always At Your Service,


About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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