The New Way To Setup Google Apps on iPhone or iPad

As of January 31, 2013, Google decided to stop supporting Exchange ActiveSync. Before this date, it was a piece of cake to setup one’s email, calendar and contacts with a two-way sync between Google Apps and one’s iPhone or iPad. All that has changed. It is still rather easy setting up your device, but requires a manual setup and multiple steps. If you stumbled upon this blog and wondered what the old way was prior to January of this year, my 2010 article called How To Setup Google Apps on Your iPad is here. As long as you do not have to reset your iPad or IOS device, the old way works. When you are ready to buy a new device or upgrade, you’ll need to follow new instructions. Several Options To Setup Your Device

- Gmail App for Email Only: If you just want to send and receive your emails, you can download the Gmail App from the App Store. This is actually what I do now. I like it because I have more control over my signatures, away messages, etc. So I no longer use the built in IOS Mail App. All you do is download the app, type in your Gmail username and password, and you are all set. Download it Here
- Setup Google Apps Email & Calendar on Device: If you want to use the built in mail app and calendar features, just click on SETTINGS > MAIL, CONTACTS, CALENDARS > then tap Add Account. Next Tap the GMAIL icon. Fill in your name, username (your full email), password and the for the Description label it whatever you’d like (i.e. Business Account). Once it is verified, your email, notes and calendars should work just fine. A more thorough step by step approach can be found on the google site. When this step is done, make sure you double check your default settings. You can default your email to be personal or business. This can be found on the MAIL, CONTACTS, CALENDARS section in SETTINGS. As you scroll down, you’ll see the options.
- Setup Google Apps Calendar using Calendar+ App: If you want an easy way to Sync multiple google calendars and have a Google Calendar-like interface, I have switched to using Calendar+ app on the Apple Store. I like it because the colors I use for each calendar are in sync with Google. To download the paid app, click here (type in your google username/password) and you are all set. This is for those who really don’t want to be all that techie and deal with Google and Apple compatibility issues.
- Setup Contacts to Sync with Google: To make sure your contacts are in two-way sync with Google Contacts, follow a very similar approach as one of the methods above. Google Support explains it best. Click on this link to follow their steps: Sync Contacts with iPhone
If you have other questions regarding syncing your iOS device or how what apps to use for business, let me know.