The Race is Close | Native iPhone App for Online CRM

Posted by David Chism | Wed, Jul 21, 2010

 The Race is Close | Native iPhone App for Online CRM
Zoho CRM has been work­ing on a Native iPhone App for months if not years. I keep hear­ing that in two months, we’ll see some­thing. I’m not sure which two months they are talk­ing about, but I hope it is soon. Until this App is a real­i­ty, Zoho CRM still has an excel­lent online prod­uct. It is tru­ly a threat against the big box Sales­force. Sales­force, is still the leader and has a nice prod­uct. The prob­lem with Sales­force is the price tag for small busi­ness own­ers. It is just not afford­able. Zoho CRM is very afford­able. A small con­tract­ing com­pa­ny can pur­chase 3 – 4 users for around $25 a month. Zoho also just added a Chat fea­ture, which will just make it even bet­ter! Tac­tile CRM, though not as robust as Zoho, Sales­force or ACT! by Sage, is an up and com­ing online CRM. It does the basics: Sales track­ing, Cal­en­dar, To-Dos and basic Report­ing. They told me this week they are work­ing out the final bugs on their native iPhone app and will be releas­ing it to Apple I would hope by mid August. If Tac­tile beats Zoho CRM, I might give them a try. Their price is around $9 a month. I believe you should be able to use Tac­tile App for every­thing and cut out Google Apps etc. How­ev­er, I like Google Apps and Out­look and hope Tac­tile will still make a two-way sync for those of us who do not want to switch. Final­ly, Pipeline Deals already has a nice iPhone brows­er-base App. They too are work­ing hard to release a native app to Apple. We should see their App be released with­in the month. Pipeline Deals is a sim­ple CRM. I real­ly like it. The last time I tried it, I did not like their Cal­en­dar fea­tures. BUT, I received a noti­fi­ca­tion that they have made some dra­mat­ic changes to the cal­en­dar and task sched­ul­ing, which I think will make Pipeline Deals a favorite of mine. So who will be the first of these three com­pa­nies to release a Native App for the iPhone? When I know, you’ll know. I’m still wait­ing for ACT! by Sage to get their act” togeth­er and release a stand alone App for the Black­ber­ry, iPhone and Droid. They have been the small busi­ness leader and are NOT stay­ing ahead of the game. They will be los­ing a lot of clients with­in the next 6 months if they do not fol­low suite. I’m call­ing 2011 the year where Cus­tomer Rela­tion­ship Man­age­ment pro­grams become big­ger, bet­ter and cheap­er than ever before: all online too and on your phone. Note: It takes time and mon­ey to devel­op an App. The iPhone is rel­a­tive­ly easy to devel­op an App and the Black­ber­ry is not. Android Apps are also easy…but are not the same as the iPhone. So all these com­pa­nies are doing one at a time. At this time, iPhone wins!

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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