The Twelve Weeks of Christmas Campaign

Posted by David Chism | Tue, Oct 13, 2009

After many hours of plan­ning and prepa­ra­tion, my Twelve Weeks of Christ­mas cam­paign is under­way! I intro­duced the Twelves Weeks of Christ­mas to a sharp group of paint­ing con­trac­tors last week in San Anto­nio, TX for the semi-annu­al Sum­mit con­fer­ence. I recent­ly joined the Sum­mit Ser­vices Inc. group to offer mar­ket­ing ser­vices to their mem­bers. I am very excit­ed to be work­ing with such an incred­i­ble group of paint com­pa­nies, as they all run a tight ship. They love what they do, and they do a great job serv­ing their clients. I was a paint­ing con­trac­tor mem­ber of Sum­mit for four years and real­ly enjoyed the time. It is a lot of fun being back with them offer­ing mar­ket­ing assis­tance. The Twelve Weeks of Christ­mas is an email cam­paign tar­get­ed to exist­ing clients. The idea is that paint­ing con­trac­tors will use their exist­ing email pro­grams such as iCon­tact, Con­stant Con­tact or Mail Chimp to send out a bi-week­ly email newslet­ter. The email will fea­ture a gift card offer from a major retail chain such as Norstrom, Apple and Amer­i­can Girl. The pur­pose of the cam­paign of course is to get paint­ing clients to paint select areas of their clien­t’s home in time for the hol­i­days and reward­ed” them with a gift card to shop ear­ly! So far, I have around 15 paint­ing com­pa­nies par­tic­i­pat­ing in the pro­gram. Each email is cus­tomized with qual­i­ty text, pho­tos and their com­pa­ny col­ors. We are hop­ing for some great results!

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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