Thinking Outside the Box: Stay On Your Client’s Mind!
After you wrap up a dental appointment, what happens? Do they ship you out the door and say, “Hope to see you again someday!”?
Nope. They schedule your next appointment faster than you can rinse and spit.
Why? Well, they know how it works, and that if you don’t nail down an appointment right then and there, they won’t see you again for a long, long time… We’re all good at procrastination.
Why not use the same tactic as a painting company? Or a roofer? Painting may be more fun than dental work, but similarities still exist between the scenarios. Before you close out that job, schedule the next appointment.
This is where you need to get a little creative…
How Can You Get Back in the Door?
Here are a few tips:
#1: Know Your Numbers
With the help of a business coach, determine what kind of special incentive or follow-up offer you can provide. Something to schedule on the spot that gets you back in front of the client, and keeps YOUR name on their calendar.
#2: Present the Incentive
If you finished an exterior paint job, maybe offer a free house wash the following spring. Extends the life of your paint, refreshes curb appeal after winter, etc. Who would say no to that?
Finishing an interior paint job? Let them know that in a year you’ll come back and provide x number of hours of free touch-ups. Life gets busy, surfaces get bumped, and you’d love to help keep their new look fresh.
Are you in a different service industry, like maybe roofing? Offer a free inspection or gutter cleaning!
You get the idea. It’s a benefit to them that keeps you top of mind, while also creating a perfect in-road for building a long-term service relationship.
#3: Pursue AWOs During Your Follow-Up
Additional work orders will naturally follow, leading to more work down the road. It doesn’t need to be a hard sell, either — just make them aware of additional services you offer. Many homeowners will never explore ALL the services you offer, so you need to creatively plant the idea, then plug those details right into your CRM.
Don’t wait for the client to make the next move!
#4: Always Have a Next Step
Utilize your CRM and calendar to make sure your next appointment is always booked. With the tools available today, it’s easier than ever. Your client can choose their appointment slot right on the spot, then receive a confirmation email. Super easy for everyone!
If you need a CRM, be sure to check out this article! We most often recommend Zendesk Sell and Pipeline Deals (to help get your search off to a strong start).
Build Trust, Build a Relationship, and Sell More Services
It’s just a matter of consistency! And once that ball starts rolling, you’ll be the first and only name that comes to mind every time they need the services you offer.