Tip: How To Increase Customer Online Reviews

Posted by David Chism | Mon, Jun 20, 2016

 Tip: How To Increase Customer Online Reviews
CBP-ReviewsIncreas­ing your online reviews, espe­cial­ly on Google Maps, can help con­sumers find you eas­i­er online? It is best prac­tice to not just rely on Google reviews, but it also does not hurt to con­tin­ue to increase the num­ber of reviews you have on Google. I nor­mal­ly sug­gest con­trac­tors focus on Google, Yelp and Houzz. Face­book can also be a good idea if you want to add a 4th source. Ask­ing and get­ting online reviews is per­haps more painful than pulling teeth. Many of my cus­tomers work for busy con­sumers that just do not take the extra time to write a review. They might even agree to it but don’t fol­low through. Nor­mal­ly this is because we send them an email and pray they click and do the review.

How To Increase Reviews Just By Using Your Phone

So I came up with a bet­ter strat­e­gy that I hope you’ll find help­ful. Here is the catch, this involves using your field employ­ees, not your office staff. I have done quite a bit of research on this sub­ject, and my dis­cov­ery is that by hav­ing field employ­ees ask for the reviews wins over the office or esti­ma­tors tak­ing on this task. 
  1. When the job is com­ing to a close and your staff is doing a final walk­through with the cus­tomer, this is per­haps the best time to begin the process of ask­ing for a review.
  2. Make sure the crew leader/​job fore­man knows the cus­tomer is hap­py with the work per­formed before ask­ing. He/​She might ask, Are you hap­py with the work my team per­formed on your home? How like­ly would you rec­om­mend us to a friend?” If the cus­tomer gives a two thumbs up, pro­ceed to step 3.
  3. Ask if the cus­tomer would be will­ing to write about their expe­ri­ence with your com­pa­ny. I think they will be sur­prised at how many would say yes to this request. Then have your team mem­ber say some­thing like this, Thank you. To make this easy for you, I’ll send you a text now and you can click on one of 3 review sites to write about your expe­ri­ence. You can do it all from your phone.”
  4. Once the cus­tomer agrees, have the team mem­ber text the review page and make sure the cus­tomer received it.
  5. Cus­tomer writes the review and says, I did it! Done!”
  6. Thank the customer!
I cre­at­ed a short tuto­r­i­al for my dad’s painters who were won­der­ing how to do this. Check out the video below. Your com­pa­ny can do the same thing pret­ty eas­i­ly. Enjoy … let me know how this tip goes for your team. [embed]https://youtu.be/FPNglglncVQ[/embed]

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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