Top 5 Apps To Help Grow Your Small Business

Posted by David Chism | Fri, Feb 24, 2012

Guest Post: Not all the apps below I’ve had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to try myself. This was a post writ­ten by Jane John­son. Thank you for tak­ing the time to write this for my audi­ence. I’ll begin to look into your rec­om­men­da­tions and give you my feed­back. Based on a quick look of each app, they all look promis­ing. Enjoy.

Stock your busi­ness arse­nal with the right tools for success

The busi­ness world is ever-evolv­ing, and as busi­ness own­ers we must stay ahead of the curve to suc­ceed. Tech­nol­o­gy can help busi­ness­es, large and small, stay com­pet­i­tive, grow, and sur­vive dur­ing hard times thanks to thou­sands of smart phone apps specif­i­cal­ly for busi­ness. Apps for busi­ness pro­vide many of the tools and resources that small busi­ness­es might not oth­er­wise have access to. How­ev­er, with so many busi­ness apps to choose from, how do you know you’re down­load­ing the best busi­ness arse­nal for your par­tic­u­lar needs? To help take the stress out of busi­ness apps, I’ve put togeth­er the fol­low­ing list of the Top 5 Apps to Help Grow Your Small Busi­ness. These apps are avail­able for down­load, many for absolute­ly free, to your iPhone, Android, Black­Ber­ry, T‑Mobile Sam­sung Galaxy S, and numer­ous oth­er wire­less devices. 1. Metro­Fax (Free) This fax app for the iPhone offers small busi­ness­es a ful­ly-acces­si­ble fax ser­vice. Enjoy the big busi­ness perks with Metro­Fax, an app that allows you to send and receive fax­es — right from your iPhone. You’ll nev­er have to stress about miss­ing an invoice, an impor­tant fax, or legal doc­u­ments ever again. 2. LinkedIn (Free) I like to think of LinkedIn as my per­son­al mar­ket­ing team — even though I have a small busi­ness con­sist­ing of one employ­ee: me! The LinkedIn app is all I real­ly need for net­work with prospec­tive clients, busi­ness part­ners, free­lance employ­ees, busi­ness part­ners, and ven­dors. Sim­ply, this app con­nects those who need a ser­vice with those who can pro­vide that ser­vice. It’s pro­fes­sion­al net­work­ing at my fin­ger­tips. I can use my iPhone (or Android, Black­Ber­ry, or any smart phone) to con­nect with poten­tial cus­tomers any­where, at any time of day. 3. Pri­madesk (Free) This mul­ti-func­tion­al app (for Web, iOS and Android) makes con­tent man­age­ment easy. The Pri­madesk app keeps all cloud-based busi­ness con­tent orga­nized and eas­i­ly acces­si­ble via search hash tags. Plus, it’s great for remote groups who need to share, view, man­age and back­up all busi­ness con­tent from a sin­gle inter­face — i.e., if col­lab­o­rat­ing on a project — regard­less of their cho­sen com­put­er or mobile device. To share or save a doc­u­ment sim­ply drag and drop Word docs, mul­ti­me­dia, spread­sheets, and pho­tos from your desk­top to Pri­madesk. 4. Abukai (Free) This finan­cial busi­ness app was giv­en the Editor’s Choice”, a 2011 award giv­en by PC Mag­a­zine for out­stand­ing busi­ness expens­ing appli­ca­tions. Not a hard task when you’re com­pat­i­ble with almost any mobile device — includ­ing iPhone, Android and Black­ber­ry. The Abukai app makes fil­ing finan­cial reports a synch in three easy steps: I. Take a pic­ture of any receipt or invoice with your mobile device s II. Sub­mit it III. Receive a com­plet­ed expense report at the end of a des­ig­nat­ed peri­od (week’s end, month’s end) 5. Omni­Fo­cus ($19.99) Pri­cy, but total­ly worth every pen­ny — the Omni­Fo­cus app for iPhone puts you in con­trol of task man­age­ment when you have your smart phone with­in arm’s reach. That’s why it won the Apple Design Award for best Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty App. Omni­Fo­cus tracks tasks by project name or num­ber, place, per­son, or even the date. you’ll always have your impor­tant infor­ma­tion at hand, whether it’s a shop­ping list, agen­da items to dis­cuss at work, things to do at home — what­ev­er you need. Bio: Jane John­son is a writer for Going­Cel­lu­lar, a pop­u­lar site that pro­vides cell phone relat­ed news, com­men­tary, reviews on pop­u­lar providers like T‑Mobile.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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