My Top 7 Favorite iPhone Apps from 2017

Posted by David Chism | Fri, Dec 8, 2017

 My Top 7 Favorite iPhone Apps from 2017
As 2017 comes to an end, I am also wrap­ping up my 8th year using the Apple iPhone. Besides mar­ket­ing ser­vices, I spend a lot of time help­ing and rec­om­mend­ing apps and soft­ware to my paint­ing clients that make them more pro­duc­tive in both the field and their office spaces. Below you will find the ones I used the most in 2017 and why I liked them.

Base­camp 3 — Project and Task Management

I start­ed using the orig­i­nal Base­camp Clas­sic” prob­a­bly around 2005. I am pret­ty loy­al to soft­ware com­pa­nies that pro­duce a qual­i­ty prod­uct and have excel­lent cus­tomer ser­vice. When the newest ver­sion of Base­camp was released in 2015, it became one of my favorite pro­duc­tiv­i­ty apps for the desk­top and iPhone. This is also the first year where many of my paint­ing clients have begun to adopt Base­camp 3 for their office and field employ­ees. Try it free for a month.

Things 3 — ToDos and Reminders

I don’t know why my two favorite, most used, apps this year are 3” ver­sions. I tried Things sev­er­al years ago, and it was just too bor­ing and clunky. I like easy-to-use apps that look awe­some too! Things 3 is a ToDo app that is based on the book Get­ting Things Done” by David Allen. I use Things pri­mar­i­ly for per­son­al and misc. busi­ness tasks. I do not use it to run projects — that is where Base­camp takes the cake. What I real­ly like about Things 3 is that it does not remind you how ter­ri­ble you are for not get­ting a task done that day. It just gives you a clean list of what you’ve got com­ing up Today, Tomor­row, Next Week, or Some­day. I also use it as a brain dump. This is pow­er­ful. My mind is always think­ing of things to do, to try, to explore, and so forth. In order to stay focused, I quick­ly move inter­est­ing arti­cles, emails, and ideas in my head into the Inbox. When I have a few min­utes at a lat­er time, I’ll review my Inbox and decide when to accom­plish the tasks at hand. The only down­side to Things 3 is the price. In a world where many apps are free, this one is any­thing but free. If you want it on your desk­top, it is around $50. If you want it on the iPad, it is $10 bucks. iPhone, shell out anoth­er $10. Is it worth it? Every pen­ny! Read more about things on their website

Base CRM — Cus­tomer Rela­tion­ship Management

There is no bet­ter-designed and easy-to-use CRM (that I’ve tried) than Base CRM. Sor­ry, Sales­force. I have been using Base for many years now, and each update just keeps get­ting bet­ter. The lat­est one with iOS 11 (as I write this arti­cle) is stun­ning. I can do just about every­thing on the iPhone that I can on the desk­top. And, it looks beau­ti­ful on the iPhone X.

Google Cal­en­dar

Google final­ly released Google Cal­en­dar for the iPhone in 2015. This past year, the App has got­ten eas­i­er to use with many more func­tions. If you haven’t noticed, the desk­top ver­sion got a whole new design this fall which now mim­ics the iPhone ver­sion very well. There are still things I would like to change about Google Cal­en­dar for iOS, but it is bet­ter than Apple’s stand­alone cal­en­dar. I like the list” view, as it is very clean and makes view­ing my events for the day easy. Google is just a lit­tle slow on mak­ing updates, so for those who do have the iPhone X, it does not look great on there just yet!

Spark and Gmail

Spark by Read­dle has done an awe­some job cre­at­ing an email app. It takes just a few min­utes to type in my Google login, update my sig­na­ture and a few set­tings, and I’m off and run­ning using Spark for send­ing and receiv­ing email. I have been using the stand­alone Gmail App for many years. Gmail is per­haps the best email app I’ve used for sim­ple send­ing and receiv­ing — no bells or whis­tles. It just works and mim­ics my desk­top Gmail for busi­ness. Spark is a few steps ahead of Gmail in sev­er­al ways: the abil­i­ty to delay send­ing emails, snooz­ing emails to a lat­er time, and hav­ing emails return to your inbox if you do not receive a reply with­in a cer­tain win­dow of time. This can be done with the Gmail desk­top app with the help of pre­mi­um third-par­ty inte­gra­tion (paid plans). Spark offers these key fea­tures free of charge. Spark also works with most pop­u­lar email sys­tems: Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft and iCloud. Learn more about Spark

Keep­er — passwords

Every­one needs a place to store pass­words and remem­ber user­names and so forth. I have used Keep­er by Call­pod for close to a decade. It is super sim­ple and easy to use. You can cre­ate a com­pa­ny account and eas­i­ly share infor­ma­tion to oth­er users with view only or edit rights. The cost for per­son­al use is $29 a year. Learn more about Keeper

Google Dri­ve — File Shar­ing and Storage

If you are still using Drop­box but have a GSuites account, you need to make the switch. Just use Google Dri­ve. It works won­ders! I am a heavy user of Google Dri­ve on my desk­top, iPad, and iPhone. I use it to share and edit docs, col­lab­o­rate with my team, and store files, fold­ers, and pic­tures as well. There you have it. These are the top 7 apps I use on a reg­u­lar basis to help me stay pro­duc­tive. Here are a few hon­or­able men­tions I use for busi­ness and per­son­al use as well: Apple Music, Google Keep (includ­ed in GSuites and replaces Ever­note), Sonos, iMes­sage, Bible, Ama­zon, Pan­do­ra, Google Maps, and Face­book Pages for busi­ness. Love to hear about your favorite 2017 apps.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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