Two Things to Do Now For 2013

Posted by David Chism | Fri, Oct 26, 2012

 Two Things to Do Now For 2013
Run­ning a suc­cess­ful busi­ness takes con­sis­tent plan­ning, mar­ket­ing, sales and ongo­ing man­age­ment. I’ve spo­ken to a few small busi­ness own­ers (new in busi­ness) who told me they were just too busy right now to work on their mar­ket­ing or busi­ness growth: the phone just keeps ring­ing!” is a famil­iar phrase I hear. Great news, right? The phone is ring­ing off the hook, why con­tin­ue mar­ket­ing and plan­ning? Well, for these guys who have told me this, they work in a sea­son­al busi­ness. In anoth­er month or two, they will won­der if the cell tow­ers or phone lines are frozen when their phone stops ring­ing. Below are two, hope­ful­ly obvi­ous things, to do now to keep your busi­ness mov­ing for­ward. Two Things To Do Now 1. If you have not start­ed the process yet, begin cre­at­ing your 2013 bud­gets and plans now. Don’t wait til you have the time. It might be too late. You also don’t have to do it all in one sit­ting. Just cut out an hour this week and anoth­er cou­ple next week and get it done. Need extra help? Hire a men­tor or busi­ness friend(s) to help strate­gize with you for a few hours as well. After the bud­get is in place, cre­ate a mar­ket­ing cal­en­dar of events of when and who will get the task at hand com­plet­ed. 2. Book work now. If you are busy at the moment, start secur­ing work for Decem­ber, Jan­u­ary and even Feb­ru­ary if you run a ser­vice busi­ness. I’ve seen sales­peo­ple do this a cou­ple ways. Some of them will call up their exist­ing client base and ask if they would like any work com­plet­ed dur­ing the month of Jan­u­ary and if so, they’d dis­count the ser­vice. One cus­tomer took this approached for his paint­ing busi­ness and booked $80,000 of res­i­den­tial work just from call­ing up exist­ing cus­tomers. Oth­ers would go out and esti­mate a job and put the cur­rent price tag of the job: $5,400 if booked now. $4,300 if booked between Jan 2 and Jan­u­ary 31st. Giv­ing the prospect options works very well! How­ev­er you decide to book work, get it going now. Maybe you cre­ate a cal­en­dar with the dates avail­able. When you go out to do a bid, show the cal­en­dar to a prospect and tell them the weeks that they can save mon­ey. You also don’t need to always dis­count. Just use your good instincts. If you think you can get a customer/​prospect to wait for a slow sea­son, go for it. The bot­tom line is this, run­ning a busi­ness is hard work. You can­not take a break. You’ve got to have all cylin­ders run­ning year round. So get things into gear and keep mov­ing your busi­ness for­ward into the new year. I’m curi­ous, how do you guys cur­rent­ly pre­pare for win­ter work? Let me know in the com­ments below. Side Note: If you need help with putting togeth­er a busi­ness plan, my friends at Sum­mit Ser­vices are offer­ing a spe­cial dur­ing the month of Octo­ber. It is worth every pen­ny. These guys are great. Check out their busi­ness plan­ning offer here.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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