Using Linkedin Groups to Promote Your Business
I currently participate in several Linkedin Groups, and I moderate a couple of them myself. This has been a great experience in networking, and it has also shown me some examples of what not to do. As a moderator, I am responsible to flag improper content as promotional — actually, it’s quite fun! Here is the word of caution to those who are learning to use Social Media for business purposes. It should never be viewed as advertising; it is social networking, and you should treat it like a place where people get together to be people. Picture this: you are sitting down in a café, drinking your espresso, when a well-dressed businessman sits down beside you. Casually, you ask, “Hey, how ya doin’?” Without even looking you in the face, he blurts out, “XYZ Contractors is the King of home remodeling, and can save you money in hundreds of ways!” Slightly put off, you ask how long he’s been in the remodeling business (though you want to ask how long he’s been out of the asylum). But he ignores your question. You mention that you also have some construction experience, and he walks away. Of course it sounds ridiculous, but in effect that is what I often see businesses doing with social networking. They post their email blasts or promotional sales material to a Linkedin Group on a weekly basis. They do not engage in conversations or respond to comments and questions — they just post their “cool” topics and walk out, so to speak. Instead of treating Social Media like a community message board or a sidewalk soap-box, think of it as a way of meeting people and developing contacts. Engage, share, connect, and help others for free. Ask questions and really listen, always learning and only offering advice when it will be appreciated. It’s like the good ol’ days when you would take a prospective client out for coffee. Be genuine, be real, be responsive. If you plan on posting to Linkedin or any Social Media as a “feed,” then make sure you or someone in your office keeps track of the post and manages responses, responding quickly to those who show interest. If you are one of those who currently use Linkedin Groups for promoting… find a more appropriate venue, or change to a more conversational style.