Using SmartSheet In Our Remodeling Business
I have a growing number of clients using a project management program called SmartSheet the past couple of years. I stumbled upon SmartSheet awhile back myself when researching other cloud-based project management programs. I had been hooked on Basecamp for almost a decade, but it lacked some key features for my audience. For this next blog, I’ve asked my good friend and client, Barry Stohlman, to write about his experience using SmartSheet in his Design-Build firm in the DC Metro area.
Guest Post By Barry Stohlman of Stohlman & Kilner Remodeling Contractors
Our residential remodeling company has been using SmartSheet now for going on three years. I was recently asked how we use this program and that prompted me to go back and look and reflect on what we like about SmartSheet. The best way to review how we use it is with examples. I will focus on two documents that we rely on for every project we do — Product Selection Sheet and Project Calendar.
Product Selections
In the world of remodeling there are always a myriad of details to be managed and communicated between client, contractor, vendor and subcontractor. With our Product Selection Sheet we are able to list in a typical spreadsheet style the pertinent details. What SmartSheet allows us to do in addition to the usual spreadsheet functions is that we can easily attach a relevant file to any line of the spreadsheet — i.e. — on the Tile line we can attach the order from our vendor. This proves to be huge when our field manager is looking for information about any aspect of the project. He has (or should have) all the data he needs in SmartSheet — either in the cells of the spreadsheet or as an attachment. And we can attach just about any file, PDF or photo we want. There is also the ability to comment or discuss about a detail right inside of the program and alerting all those involved so that you can quickly get response to issues or questions. This feature itself cuts down dramatically on the random questions and conversations about a detail.
If instead you want to share your sheet with a client but NOT give them the ability to make changes you can publish a link which gives the client a “View Only” version of any sheet. Keeps them in the loop and always updated as changes happen real time. This is a great feature that has proven more than once to save our backsides when a detail was not correct. It can be caught and corrected before the actual work is done.
Project Calendar
Our Project Calendar works on the same basic platform. In this case we take advantage of the date, predecessor and duration columns which in turn serve to generate the Gantt views and the calendar views. It is as simple as that! Enter the data in the spreadsheet and it creates the other views for you. And we also use the very handy “column properties” to customize the ways that our columns function. This is part of what SmartSheet such a great tool for us. These built-in tools, like the attachment and comment functions, are very powerful and make SmartSheet so easy to use!
And we continue to discover new and smarter ways to use the program throughout our company. It has been very simple to introduce people to since it only requires basic knowledge of how a spreadsheet works. Then the added tools and features have turned SmartSheet into an essential part of our day-to-day communications and data management.
Give SmartSheet A Go
David: Like any gadget or technology you purchase, the key is to stick to and use it. I continually get asked to review cloud programs and am told that this one is better than that one. Each program and device on the market has a place in the market. I tend to review and recommend products that I feel will work best for contractors while keeping in mind that many of these guys are slow to adapting new technology. SmartSheet is one of those programs that can be introduced on a very light scale and grow to be a very powerful and integral part of one’s business. Give SmartSheet a go and let me know how it helps your business be more productive and profitable.