Using Your Phone As a Credit Card

Posted by David Chism | Tue, Mar 2, 2010

 Using Your Phone As a Credit Card
I recent­ly pur­chased a $.99 App for my iPhone called Swipe that makes receiv­ing cred­it card pay­ments easy while on the go. I am test­ing this App to see how easy it is to use for mobile users. I thought this would be a great tool for ser­vice com­pa­nies. With a few sim­ple clicks and enter­ing a cred­it card, a Swipe user can accept pay­ments in sec­onds and email receipts. So far, I’m very impressed with this new App. For Black­ber­ry users, try this free Cred­it Card App. Most paint com­pa­nies I work with request an up front deposit. Get­ting the deposit can be dif­fi­cult if you don’t do it on the spot. If you had a mobile cred­it card appli­ca­tion for your mobile device, the cus­tomer has no excuse but to pay right away. It might look some­thing like this, Mr. Franklin, I’m real­ly look­ing for­ward to work­ing with you. All I need is a sig­na­ture approv­ing our pro­pos­al and what method of pay­ment you wish to use for the deposit?” if they don’t write you a check which would be great then you’d say, Oh and by the way, we take VISA, Mas­ter­Card and Amer­i­can Express, and I can run the card right now and send you a receipt. What card would you like to use?” The major com­plaint most folks have with Cred­it Cards is the trans­ac­tion fees. The sec­ond com­plaint I hear often is, I can nev­er col­lect a deposit in a time­ly man­ner.” Well, even though there is a trans­ac­tion fee, you might want to at least con­sid­er push­ing the deposits on a cred­it card. It is easy, and you get your mon­ey typ­i­cal­ly in less than 24 hours. Oh…and depend­ing on the types of ser­vices you per­form, Swipe makes it easy to type in a list of ser­vices and pric­ing. So, for Painters, you can have a Col­or Con­sul­ta­tion” $95 fee or Painter For a Day (full day) $500 etc. The set­up for Swipe was very easy. The hard­est part was look­ing up my mer­chant account from Autho​rize​.net.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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