Verizon to End Unlimited Data Thursday

Posted by David Chism | Tue, Jul 5, 2011

I knew this day was com­ing. AT&T did it last year and Ver­i­zon was hold­ing on as long as they could. Unlim­it­ed Data plans for new cus­tomers on the Ver­i­zon net­work will van­ish this Thurs­day, July 7th. The Ver­i­zon net­work is very strong and does not have the drop call prob­lem AT&T had with many of their smart­phones. So, if you are look­ing at switch­ing to Ver­i­zon, I’d def­i­nite­ly do it in the next 1 12 days. Smart­phones for your busi­ness is a fan­tas­tic idea, even for some of your employ­ees. You can shoot and post videos and pho­tos to the web right from your phone. After Thurs­day, the data will be lim­it­ed. Most like­ly Ver­i­zon will set the lim­it to 2GB as the start­ing point of their data plan ($30 a month). To be hon­est, that is actu­al­ly plen­ty of data. The only rea­son you’d go over that is if you teth­er” your phone to a lap­top or decide on watch­ing a Net­flix film! If you want to watch a movie on your phone, make sure you are con­nect­ed to a wifi and DON’T use the 3 or 4G net­work. Final­ly, the only down­side to this lim­it­ed data (for new­bies) is that they can’t skype or do video con­fer­enc­ing in the field. This too will burn up data usage in no time. What car­ri­er do you cur­rent­ly use? Do you use a smart­phone for your busi­ness or any type of device? To read more about the new plan, vis­it the WSJ arti­cle. Side note about AT&T: If you are with AT&T…one rea­son to stay with them vs. Ver­i­zon is that you can search the web and talk on the phone at the same time. That is a good fea­ture if you need web access while you are doing a busi­ness meet­ing. Ver­i­zon web search only works when you are not talk­ing on the phone or are con­nect­ed to a wifi. spot. This is because AT&T uses GSM radios and Ver­i­zon uses CDMA radios. I believe Sprint is the same as Verizon.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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