What If I Only Want Uber-Wealthy Web Leads?

Posted by David Chism | Mon, Jul 13, 2015

 What If I Only Want Uber-Wealthy Web Leads?

Would­n’t it be nice if most of the leads you received from your con­tract­ing web­site were from your tar­get audi­ence only? If your web­site already does well in the local search, chances are you are get­ting a pret­ty decent num­ber of web inquiries dur­ing the spring and sum­mer months. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, it is very like­ly that a good por­tion of the leads are not ones you were hop­ing for, espe­cial­ly ones from the über-wealthy audience.

The ques­tion I have got­ten asked in more recent months is this, How can I only get über-wealthy, tar­get­ed leads off my website?” 

I do not think there is an easy answer to this ques­tion. It is very dif­fi­cult to tar­get only the über-wealthy audi­ence for a num­ber of rea­sons. Some­times the upper crust” deci­sions mak­ers are not the ones look­ing for a painter on the Inter­net. It might be their assis­tants, sec­re­taries, or office/​house man­agers. So just hav­ing a web­site that speaks to the über wealthy clien­tele may not work if they are not the ones com­ing to your website.

Also, the über-wealthy are not always look­ing for a slick and sexy painter’s web­site. Some painters and con­trac­tors think that putting the most amaz­ing, staged pho­tos on one’s web­site will make them look extra good in the eyes of the behold­er. Yet this could actu­al­ly turn some wealthy clients away. They might think you are too expensive.

Wait,” you might ask, if they are rich, they can afford my services…so should I not try to impress them with my amaz­ing work?” Not nec­es­sar­i­ly. These buy­ers do not always want to open their pock­et­book to just any­one. They did not get rich by being care­free spenders. Their assis­tants can also be turned off by pic­tures and con­tent that looks too expen­sive. They are tasked to spend wisely!

So How Can My Web­site Mar­ket To The Uber-Wealthy?

I do not think there is one sim­ple answer to this ques­tion. I do not think you can change a few pic­tures, update the copy, change the form and then reap the rewards of only get­ting über-wealthy leads. The web is too broad to tar­get that one audience.

Yet there might be ways to increase the chances of get­ting bet­ter leads in gen­er­al off your web­site, not just those from the upper class market.

Here are a few pointers:

  • Make your web­site easy to nav­i­gate for the end-user: Build the site with the vis­i­tor in mind. Is it easy to find out where you are locat­ed, what you do and how to con­tact you? Do not make your vis­i­tors have to think too much when they arrive at your website.
  • Use real pho­tos: My advice is to use your own images as much as pos­si­ble, not stock pho­tos and videos. At some point, most web vis­i­tors will fig­ure out if a pic­ture is yours or is fake.” Take the time to take some decent pho­tos of your home improve­ment ser­vices. Most of these pho­tos can be tak­en by your own staff, or if you are very par­tic­u­lar about the qual­i­ty, you can hire a pro­fes­sion­al to take some shots. How­ev­er, do not do too much stag­ing” of the images. Just take good before, dur­ing and after shots of your work and arrange them nice­ly on the web­site. This will cre­ate trust with your web visitors.
  • Tell Your Sto­ry: Hav­ing a great About Us” page is worth the time and effort. If your audi­ence cares about qual­i­ty more than the price tag, they will want to hear your sto­ry. They are not just look­ing for the bar­gain base­ment price. They want to know who you are and who works for you. Build­ing trust is per­haps one of the most impor­tant things con­trac­tors need to be think­ing about with online mar­ket­ing. Tak­ing pho­tos and even short video clips of your man­age­ment team is a great way to con­nect with your web visitors.
  • Edu­cate your audi­ence: I have writ­ten and spo­ken about con­tent mar­ket­ing for years now and how impor­tant this is for all your mar­ket­ing. Use your web­site to edu­cate and inform your vis­i­tors. This can be done by writ­ing great blogs and doing short videos. Here is a quick tip on this: every ques­tion a prospect might ask you when you are doing an esti­mate should be answered in the form of a blog or short video. (i.e. How long does it take to paint my exte­ri­or? / Do I have to be home when the work is being per­formed? What does it typ­i­cal­ly cost to install a new roof on a typ­i­cal home like mine?) The über-wealthy, the mid­dle class, and the upper class = the buy­er in my opin­ion. These folks will appre­ci­ate that your com­pa­ny is not hold­ing any­thing back and will feel more con­fi­dent that your com­pa­ny might be a good fit.
  • Detailed vs Short Con­tact Forms: This will be debat­ed by online mar­keters. The gen­er­al rule is to have short and quick forms: easy to fill out. If you just want more leads, the sim­ple forms work best. Peo­ple online tend to be lazy and do not like fill­ing out long and detailed forms. Be that as it may, if you real­ly do want to get more qual­i­fied leads and you have built the trust by tak­ing the steps that I men­tioned above, hav­ing a more detailed web form will tend to give you more qual­i­fied traf­fic. You will get few­er tire kick­ers who will not both­er fill­ing out the detailed form. This might be a strat­e­gy when you get very busy and can­not keep up on leads.
  • Stay Away from Direc­to­ry Adver­tis­ing: If you want more qual­i­fied leads, I would not both­er pay­ing mon­ey for most of the direc­to­ries and ser­vices online that offer to get you more leads. You will get the leads, but in most cas­es, you’ll be dis­ap­point­ed with the qual­i­ty. This is because you do not have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to build the trust through social media, blog­ging and your website.
  • Com­mu­ni­ty Events: Get involved in tar­get­ed com­mu­ni­ty events. Spon­sor a 5K, hand out pop­corn or bot­tled water, spon­sor a lit­tle league team or a blood dri­ve, you name it. Reach out to your clients and ask them what they do in the com­mu­ni­ty. Then begin plan­ning how you can get involved as well.

Your Turn

How does your com­pa­ny cur­rent­ly mar­ket to the über-wealthy online? How do you plan on mak­ing changes to your approach in the months to come?

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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