What Role Should Print Material Play in Your Marketing?

Posted by Adam Zobel | Wed, Oct 9, 2019

 What Role Should Print Material Play in Your Marketing?

There’s no doubt about it. We live in a dig­i­tal world, with dig­i­tal media press­ing in all around us.

Mar­ket­ing strate­gies are rapid­ly chang­ing too, accom­mo­dat­ing and keep­ing up with the times. 25 years ago, an ad in the yel­low pages was a valu­able tool, while today we’re on social media, upload­ing pho­tos, videos, blogs, and more.

So, is print dead, or should it have a place in your mar­ket­ing toolkit?

Print Is NOT Dead: You Just Have To Use It Wisely

As a con­trac­tor, print should absolute­ly still be part of your mar­ket­ing plan. Just be care­ful not to buy into the all or noth­ing approach!

Richard Elliott of Print Guru Mar­ket­ing puts it this way: Rather than tak­ing an all or noth­ing approach to your mar­ket­ing efforts, a mul­ti-chan­nel approach (print mar­ket­ing mixed with social media mar­ket­ing) presents a bal­anced mes­sage across all mar­ket­ing plat­forms. That’s the key to con­sis­tent name expo­sure and recognition.” 

Rather than tak­ing an all or noth­ing approach to your mar­ket­ing efforts, a mul­ti-chan­nel approach (print mar­ket­ing mixed with social media mar­ket­ing) presents a bal­anced mes­sage across all mar­ket­ing plat­forms. That’s the key to con­sis­tent name expo­sure and recognition.” 

Richard Elliott, the Print Guru

Did you catch the key takeaway? 

Use print mar­ket­ing care­ful­ly, with a focused, inten­tion­al approach. It’s not a faucet you turn on or off to con­trol lead flow with a flick of the wrist. Print mar­ket­ing is all about con­sis­ten­cy, long-term brand aware­ness, and expo­sure that caus­es you to be top of mind when a client needs your services.

What Does Print Mar­ket­ing Look Like Today?

We’re LOV­ING MB Jessee Paint­ings new branding!

Here are a few ideas, based on what our clients use and have suc­cess with:

  • Print ads! Yes, good olé fash­ioned print ads in local pub­li­ca­tions still work, and peo­ple still look at them (espe­cial­ly if you’re try­ing to reach a slight­ly more mature demographic).
  • Local mail­ers! A well-brand­ed mail­er with pho­tos of your team, in uni­form, can be a valu­able way to stay con­nect­ed with a local neigh­bor­hood. You may even want to have a stack of We’re In Your Neigh­bor­hood!” mail­ers ready to launch to spe­cif­ic areas, let­ting them know that you’re there, you’re local, and you’re ready to serve. A spe­cial neigh­bor­hood dis­count can sweet­en the deal, too!
  • Door hang­ers! Love em or hate em, door hang­ers still work. Try a strat­e­gy like we men­tioned above, let­ting folks know that you’re work­ing down the street and are avail­able for a free estimate. 
  • Yard signs! We’ve found that clients who use attrac­tive, mod­ern yard signs get leads from them. It may be old school, but why mess with a good system?
  • Trucks and vehi­cle wraps! Rolling brand­ing… And gone are the days of a sim­ple logo and phone num­ber on a door — many of our clients are get­ting super cre­ative with attrac­tive graph­ics, logos, pho­tos, and more. The poten­tial is huge. 
  • Hand­outs and brochures! Sales sheets dropped at a front desk with a con­tain­er full of cook­ies are more pow­er­ful than you might think. 

Print is like the hand­shake of the mar­ket­ing world: it’s been around a long time, but it’s still a pro­fes­sion­al, per­son­al point of con­tact that can make all the difference.

Just remem­ber: don’t put all your mar­ket­ing eggs in one bas­ket. Diver­si­fy, work­ing in a mix of print and dig­i­tal media. The results will make you a believer!

About Adam Zobel

Adam came to us with a background in teaching, writing, and a work history that included serving numerous small businesses (including assisting with content writing and marketing efforts). He was a natural fit, and enjoys connecting with our clients, creating unique content that reflects their culture and voice. We keep him busy! Adam handles blogging, email campaigns, website content creation, copywriting for print and promotional materials, social media, letters, mailers, and more. He also does a dynamo impression of Nicolas Cage, but you didn’t hear that from us. Adam lives in New Hampshire with his wife and two boys. He is also a 1st cousin of David’s wife!


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