When Should You Hire Painters

Posted by David Chism | Sat, May 20, 2017

Let’s be hon­est. You typ­i­cal­ly hire painters when you’re swamped. Right? You filled up your pipeline and have 8 weeks worth of work on the board. You put your hand on your head and say to your team, We need to hire some painters! Let’s get to it!” Most painters are very busy when the econ­o­my is strong. Right now, this is def­i­nite­ly the case; espe­cial­ly since we’re enter­ing into the late spring months. Is it eas­i­er or more dif­fi­cult to find painters when they’re all busy? It’s much more dif­fi­cult. All the good painters are work­ing right now — or at least should be working. Sure, you might get lucky” now and then. You’ll find a few great painters that want to make more mon­ey, and just hap­pen to look at your hir­ing ads. So, when is the best time to hire painters? Here’s my two cents? I’m more of a mar­ket­ing guy than an oper­a­tions expert. This is just my opin­ion. You can choose to dis­agree and shoot holes in it, but here goes: I sug­gest that you begin hir­ing in the win­ter months. You can begin the recruit­ing stage as ear­ly as Christ­mas time! Per­haps you get a lit­tle more seri­ous at hir­ing in Feb­ru­ary. I know what you’re think­ing!
You should stick to mar­ket­ing, David. Wait a minute! I don’t have any mon­ey to hire some­one in Feb­ru­ary, let alone any work to give him/​her. Why should I hire in the win­ter? I should hire when I have cash!
Well, that’s the tricky part for sure. Here’s the prob­lem with try­ing to hire when you have a full sched­ule of work booked: It takes time to hire the right peo­ple! You have to begin look­ing for recruits, inter­view 20 of them, hire 10 of them and hope that 2 – 3 will work out. Am I right? Isn’t that usu­al­ly how it goes? When this hap­pens, you can­not ser­vice new leads or jobs. You have to turn away work. Then you can­not meet your sales goals! This is my view­point. From a mar­keter’s per­spec­tive, I want to feed as many leads as I can to a client. I’m pret­ty bummed if my client can’t pro­vide an esti­mate because he is too busy. I know he is turn­ing away work to com­peti­tors; and as a mar­keter, I don’t like that. I start­ed think­ing that maybe it is bet­ter to hire when you are typ­i­cal­ly slow and gear up for when you know you will be super busy. Your busy sea­son should be pret­ty con­sis­tent. Many of my clients are swamped from April through Thanks­giv­ing. The book of Proverbs speaks on the ant. (Prov 6:8 & Prov. 30:24 – 25 )
…she [Ant] pre­pares her bread in sum­mer and gath­ers her food in harvest.” Four things on earth are small, but they are exceed­ing­ly wise: the ants are a peo­ple not strong, yet they pro­vide their food in the summer;
The ant is a dili­gent and fru­gal” crea­ture. It pre­pares for the win­ter. We can learn a lot from the ant! When the har­vest (work) is plen­ty. This is where your paint­ing busi­ness can make sure it is mak­ing mon­ey (most productive/​profitable). Then it is up to you to set aside mon­ey for when the win­ter sets in or your typ­i­cal slow sea­son. I would sug­gest putting some of the prof­it right into your oper­a­tions account and vow not to spend it on any­thing else. When the win­ter sets in, start the hunt for new hires. This is a time when many of the tal­ent­ed painters might be laid off, because the com­pa­nies they are work­ing for don’t have work! You can also begin to look at good appren­tices that might con­sid­er the trade of paint­ing. One oth­er key ben­e­fit to hir­ing in the win­ter is that you can then get some bugs” worked out and do some train­ing. Train your new painters on how your com­pa­ny paints. When the busy sea­son hits, they will hit the ground run­ning and hope­ful­ly have less qual­i­ty issues. If you’ve set some of your prof­it aside for hir­ing, you’ll have the funds avail­able to hire more in the win­ter months. This is how you invest back into your busi­ness and meet your sales goals.

Hir­ing in the busy sea­son is ok too

I’ll close with say­ing that it is ok to hire real­ly any­time of the year as well. In fact, you should always be hir­ing! Yet it nev­er hurts to plan ahead and try to get the bulk of hir­ing com­plet­ed before the sea­son hits. I just read an arti­cle post­ed by Kevin Nolan on how his team hires. Check out his lat­est blog arti­cle on hiring. 

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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