Why Basecamp is Better Than Yammer

Posted by David Chism | Sat, Jan 28, 2017

 Why Basecamp is Better Than Yammer

Inter­nal Com­mu­ni­ca­tion with Your Team

How do you com­mu­ni­cate in your com­pa­ny? Do you rely on text mes­sag­ing, email, call­ing one anoth­er, or an inter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tion (social net­work)? We have many dif­fer­ent ways to com­mu­ni­cate these days with friends, fam­i­ly and cowork­ers thanks to pop­u­lar sites such as Face­book. Those sites make it more fun and very easy, right? Now, with that in mind, I want­ed to do a bit of a tech­ni­cal arti­cle talk­ing about inter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tions between your team mem­bers. Let’s look into why this type of com­mu­ni­ca­tion is impor­tant, men­tion of some of the prod­ucts on the mar­ket (specif­i­cal­ly: Yam­mer) that do this sort of thing and then round it out with my favorite pro­gram and why I rec­om­mend it for the home improve­ment industry.

Why Inter­nal Com­mu­ni­ca­tion is Important

First, why is this impor­tant? It is real­ly quite sim­ple. A busi­ness needs a way to com­mu­ni­cate with the team in a quick and easy way- these days more than ever. It is becom­ing more and more com­mon to have team play­ers that work in dif­fer­ent loca­tions. Your book­keep­er might work from a remote loca­tion and rarely come to your office. Your field employ­ees are nor­mal­ly on the job site. Your mar­ket­ing guy might be out­sourced like me. So, it is essen­tial that you find a sim­ple way to com­mu­ni­cate with your team. It is then just as impor­tant to be able to recall that infor­ma­tion at a lat­er date. You need to be able to save that in case you need to know what was said when, by whom and what was sup­posed to take place next. Obvi­ous­ly using the right type of inter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tion is vital to the suc­cess of your com­pa­ny.

What Are Some Pop­u­lar Ways To Com­mu­ni­cate These Days

Now, let’s get into some of the pop­u­lar ways small busi­ness­es are using tech­nol­o­gy to com­mu­ni­cate with each oth­er. Below is a very quick list: I just named a small hand­ful of pro­grams. There are hun­dreds more, I am sure. The most pop­u­lar ones I have seen con­trac­tors use as they search for an effi­cient inter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tem are Yam­mer & Base­camp. Many paint­ing com­pa­nies have used Yam­mer, for exam­ple, to cre­ate a group of teams such as: Crew Lead­ers, Sales, Mar­ket­ing, Finance and so forth. Ongo­ing, they use Yam­mer very much like Face­book, updat­ing, com­ment­ing, and shar­ing. It is an enjoy­able and easy way to keep every­one in the loop on com­pa­ny updates, fol­low ups, etc.

But Why Do I Rec­om­mend Base­camp over Yammer?

This is where I want to move into why I believe Base­camp, not Yam­mer, is the best tool for a home improve­ment busi­ness to adopt when it comes to com­mu­ni­cat­ing with the team. Yam­mer is easy to use. I have used it with sev­er­al com­pa­nies I work with in the paint­ing indus­try. I have tried very hard to like it and adapt it to try to make it my favorite. Yet there seemed to be a miss­ing piece, some­thing very impor­tant. Yam­mer does not have a cru­cial tool that I think all inter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tion soft­ware needs to have built in: task man­age­ment. Your inter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tion soft­ware must find a way to keep your team account­able — a way to fol­low up on things! 

Auto­mat­ed Check-ins: This is auto­mat­ed and cus­tomiz­able so it hap­pens with­out you hav­ing to remember

This is where Base­camp shines above Yam­mer and many of the oth­er pro­grams I men­tioned above. Base­camp is a super sim­ple inter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tions tool with built in, easy to use, task and project man­age­ment tools. It saves the com­pa­ny valu­able time to use one tool to com­mu­ni­cate, man­age, fol­low up and even keep documents/​files in one place. Now, this was just my opin­ion. I had to con­vince some of my cus­tomers that Base­camp was bet­ter than Yam­mer. I, myself came to this con­clu­sion when I had to use Yam­mer to com­mu­ni­cate as a mar­ket­ing man­ag­er and then my own Base­camp account to cre­ate task and fol­low ups. When I need­ed to fol­low up, I had to rely on email or Yam­mer to do so. It took a lot of unneed­ed extra steps. One day, I was able to show one of my favorite clients how I used Base­camp. I did not sell them on it. No I just walked them through the details of Base­camp. They want­ed me to describe how they could use Base­camp for their paint­ing busi­ness. The short sto­ry is that a com­pa­ny that absolute­ly loved Yam­mer and orig­i­nal­ly thought they hat­ed Base­camp switched to Base­camp 3. Their entire com­pa­ny uses it today. And their hard to con­vince VP? Well she sent me an email after the changeover to let me know how much she was lik­ing Base­camp”. [cap­tion id=“attachment_3316” align=“aligncenter” width=“1024”] Exam­ple of basic tools with­in Basecamp[/caption]

My Team and Basecamp

I am not going into all the fea­tures and ben­e­fits of Base­camp; I invite you to take a tour and learn more about what it can do. Do your­self and your com­pa­ny a favor and watch this 2 minute video. I will close with men­tion­ing that I have been using Base­camp for over a decade. I have been with them since they had Base­camp Clas­sic, then Base­camp 2 and then when they released their best prod­uct in the fall of 2016, Base­camp 3. It was in ear­ly 2016 that I moved my team over to Base­camp 3 exclu­sive­ly. What I mean is that my core team is only allowed” to use Base­camp to com­mu­ni­cate. This means no email­ing or text mes­sag­ing out­side of Base­camp. The only oth­er tool we use a lot with­in our team is Google Dri­ve (which docs/​sheets inte­grate with­in Basecamp).  There are still things I want Base­camp to do. I am con­stant­ly email­ing their sup­port to put my two cents into their idea cup of future updates. Yet for what it can do here and now, it is the best way for a paint­ing, remod­el­ing or oth­er home improve­ment busi­ness to com­mu­ni­cate, pro­vide com­pa­ny updates, fol­low up and keep each oth­er account­able. When you can keep your staff account­able in a fun and easy way, your busi­ness will run even bet­ter than ever! Let me know your thoughts or ques­tions in the com­ments below.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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