Why Do I Blog?

Posted by David Chism | Mon, Nov 10, 2014

The first busi­ness blog I wrote for a busi­ness was from May 31, 2006. I was work­ing for my father’s paint­ing com­pa­ny, Chism Broth­ers Paint­ing, at the time. I real­ly did not know much about blog­ging when I wrote my first post. I knew enough to know it was a good thing to do, and I was one of the first painters to give it a try. I had not heard of con­tent mar­ket­ing or best prac­tices in blog­ging or real­ly any­thing. I just knew I had to start putting qual­i­ty and help­ful infor­ma­tion on my web­site and hope con­sumers would agree that they liked my post.  My first post was rather quite sim­ple of why I start­ed my father’s paint­ing blog.
We start­ed this blog to help you learn more about our com­pa­ny, the paint­ing indus­try, and home remod­el­ing. We hope you will find our blog help­ful and will come back often when you need help with your house­hold project. If you do not find what you are look­ing for, we are here to help. Please send us your ques­tions, and we will do what we can to help you find the answers. Thanks for visiting.
As I reviewed that 2006 post recent­ly, I real­ized my rea­son for why I still blog today has not changed much if at all. As I stat­ed in the Chism Broth­ers post, we start­ed that blog to pro­vide answers to peo­ple’s ques­tions. I do the same thing on this busi­ness blog today. I write my com­pa­ny blog today because I real­ly do enjoy help­ing peo­ple solve mar­ket­ing and tech­nol­o­gy prob­lems. It is real­ly quite sim­ple. This is my out­let to share inter­est­ing things I am learn­ing in my field of inter­est and engage with folks all over the world who have ques­tions or feed­back.

So What About the Fruit

Are there any rewards and ben­e­fits to blog­ging? Most def­i­nite­ly yes! Besides trav­el­ing to see cus­tomers now and then, attend­ing con­fer­ences and doing a few speak­ing engage­ments, I’ve spent almost noth­ing on mar­ket­ing my busi­ness. I rely almost exclu­sive­ly on blog­ging and reach­ing out to my fol­low­ers, cur­rent and past cus­tomers. Some­times I do not see fruit from my efforts for years. I received a very sol­id lead this past week from my tar­get client (a painter) who said he has been fol­low­ing me online for over 4 years. I had not heard of this painter and not even once did he com­ment or engage on a blog post I had writ­ten. Yet he was a fol­low­er, a fan of the things I wrote about and did online. I did not have to sell myself. He was sold.  I receive calls and emails more this year than any oth­er year in busi­ness of peo­ple ask­ing for advice and want­i­ng to do busi­ness with me, and those con­ver­sa­tions all start­ed because they read one of my blogs. I have had a few not hire me because my cost were more than they thought, yet the doors have been left open with each one I’ve not sold. When I fol­low up, they’ve respond­ed typ­i­cal­ly with, I need more time but I want to find a way to work with you some­day. Keep in touch.” I real­ly like to think that with­out me blog­ging a cou­ple times a month over the past 5 12 years in busi­ness has been one of the key fac­tors as to why I’m still in busi­ness today. When I get those brief moments now and then where I think I’m too busy to blog or won­der if it is still rel­e­vant, I get anoth­er lead, anoth­er com­ment anoth­er phone call assur­ing me I can­not stop.

Are You Ready To Blog?

I hope this post has inspired you to con­sid­er how you can influ­ence your audi­ence. How can you pro­vide answers to your ide­al cus­tomer’s prob­lems or ques­tions? How can you become the go to help­ful place? The key is to first believe in the prin­ci­ple of blog­ging. Do not doubt it. It works. Then com­mit to mak­ing it hap­pen. Do not stop! Oh and make sure your blogs are real. It does not mean you have to write every sin­gle blog your­self. If writ­ing isn’t your thing, do a video instead (aka vlog­ging). Or tell a good writer what you want to talk about and let that per­son write it for you.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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