Why Do I Need a Business Coach?

Posted by David Chism | Tue, Dec 28, 2010

Any­one who watch­es sports knows that a group of great play­ers is noth­ing with­out a great coach. Even super­stars like Michael Jor­dan and Tiger Woods have paid train­ers and coach­es who guide and direct them to excel and achieve to their utmost. No one would claim that hav­ing a coach implies that you are any less of an ath­lete. Despite this clear anal­o­gy from the sports world, many busi­ness own­ers bris­tle against the idea of hir­ing a busi­ness coach or con­sul­tant. I don’t need a con­sul­tant! I know how to run my busi­ness! Everyone’s a con­sul­tant’ these days! They don’t know my clients! They don’t know my field! It’s too expen­sive, and it doesn’t pay!” Hir­ing a busi­ness coach does not mean that you are inca­pable, or don’t know how to run a busi­ness; in fact, some of the smartest peo­ple I know have busi­ness coach­es! Hav­ing a skilled advi­sor on your side real­ly can pay, and it has many advan­tages. Most con­trac­tors are so busy work­ing in their busi­ness that they have lit­tle or no time to work on their busi­ness. They need to be so focused on the day-to-day oper­a­tions that it becomes impos­si­ble to ana­lyze the big pic­ture of trends, mar­ket and com­pe­ti­tion. The mul­ti­ple crises that you deal with each day dis­tract you from the big­ger changes you may need to make to excel. Some­times you get a chance to look at the trends and make a new plan, but then you are too busy to put the plan into prac­tice effec­tive­ly. A good busi­ness coach can help with all of these issues. A coach watch­es the game from a fresh per­spec­tive and can point out things you might not be able to see when you’re on the court. He works with you to devel­op cre­ative strate­gies and plans, not just for suc­cess in a sin­gle game or sea­son, but through­out a career. Your coach is your biggest fan, push­ing you to suc­ceed and hold­ing you account­able to achieve your goals. A good coach will encour­age you in your strengths and help you min­i­mize or cov­er your weak­ness­es. Since I began my busi­ness I have lost sev­er­al mar­ket­ing clients, and almost every one of them did not have a busi­ness coach. I tried to keep them on track and give them sim­ple busi­ness advice, but in the end, each one refused to seek out­side help from a pro­fes­sion­al con­sul­tant. But think about it from this per­spec­tive: your clients hire you because they know that you can do a bet­ter job. You are an expert, and you will achieve supe­ri­or results for more last­ing val­ue than they could if they tried it them­selves. Sure, you can brush your own teeth, but you pay a den­tist to drill cav­i­ties. Yes, you can dri­ve and pump gas, but you pay a mechan­ic to rebuild your trans­mis­sion. Isn’t it wise to apply these same ideas to your own busi­ness? Hir­ing a coach is not cheap, but a good advi­sor will help you achieve results that will more than jus­ti­fy the expense. If you are work­ing too many hours with too lit­tle result; if your plans for improve­ment nev­er come to any­thing; if you are a pro­cras­ti­na­tor when it comes to mar­ket­ing and busi­ness strat­e­gy; or if you don’t have the time you need to rethink and refo­cus, then you need a busi­ness coach. Whom to hire? Whom to fire? How to mar­ket and whom to mar­ket to? How much to invest in this? How to min­i­mize expense on that? How to get more accom­plished with less time and headache? A good coach will lis­ten to your sit­u­a­tion and con­cerns and help you to cre­ate and car­ry out a plan, so that you can man­age your busi­ness, instead of your busi­ness man­ag­ing you! 

    About David Chism

    David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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