Why I Don't Recommend WordPress to My Clients

Posted by David Chism | Tue, Mar 18, 2014

It’s Noth­ing Personal

Word­Press (WP) is per­haps the world’s most pop­u­lar web­site and blog­ging plat­form for small busi­ness­es, espe­cial­ly for the DIY crowd. In recent years, Word­Press theme com­pa­nies are a dime a dozen. You want a quick and cheap web­site up in a few hours? Then a Word­Press theme site is for you. So why don’t I per­son­al­ly rec­om­mend them to my cus­tomers if they are that pop­u­lar and that cheap? I am loy­al to my team. I do not like to use one web design­er for Com­pa­ny A and then anoth­er one for Com­pa­ny B. I want to build strong con­nec­tions and rela­tion­ships with peo­ple who do a great job in their line of work: design­ers, pro­gram­mers, writ­ers, print­ers and so on. My #1 web design­er and pro­gram­mer of choice is Pio­neer Design, run by David Guy. I’ve worked with him since 2004, and I could not be any hap­pi­er with his ser­vice and per­for­mance. David Guy has built the major­i­ty of his web­sites on anoth­er con­tent man­age­ment plat­form called Expres­sion Engine (EE). Instead of offer­ing to build on Word­Press, Expres­sion Engine, Dru­pal, etc, he decid­ed to rec­om­mend and use just EE. So it is real­ly noth­ing per­son­al against Word­Press. My team has just decid­ed to be real­ly good at cre­at­ing cus­tom web­sites on a very strong plat­form that is not Word­Press. It also makes it that much eas­i­er for my team to make changes, updates and add ons to a plat­form we used dai­ly.

Should You Switch from WordPress?

If you are run­ning your cur­rent web­site on Word­Press and your own team is com­fort­able on that plat­form, do not switch. Word­Press was built for the DIY con­sumer. It is very easy to install dif­fer­ent plug-ins and do lit­tle changes with very lit­tle or no web pro­gram­ming knowl­edge. Where you some­times run into prob­lems on Word­Press is when you real­ly want to cus­tomize your web­site beyond your own exper­tise. Web­site themes are very lim­it­ed. For exam­ple: If you want to cus­tomize the theme with your own brand­ing, you might need to bring in a Word­Press guru. This is where the cost can begin to rise and in the end, you still might hit a few road­blocks. At the end of the day, Word­Press can do many of the same func­tions as Expres­sion Engine’s CMS (Although my design team would say Expres­sion Engine is way more pow­er­ful!) Also Expres­sion Engine is per­haps the CMS of choice of main­ly cus­tom web design firms (Ford, Dis­ney, Nike use it on a few of their sites). It comes down to the web com­pa­ny you decide to use and their exper­tise on using that plat­form. If you think you are going to save mon­ey on a Word­Press site but you want it 100% cus­tom, you will not. A cus­tom web­site on either WP or EE would cost about the same.

Why Should You Con­sid­er Switching?

The only rea­son I would even con­sid­er switch­ing from Word­Press to Expres­sion Engine or anoth­er plat­form is if you plan on doing more out­sourc­ing of your online mar­ket­ing. So if you used my ser­vices long term, it would be a lot eas­i­er for my team to use EE, because we are very famil­iar with the ins and outs. Also my web­mas­ter, David Guy, is an Expres­sion Engine Wiz­ard. What­ev­er you want to do on your web­site, chances are, he can make it hap­pen. Mak­ing changes on a sys­tem your web­mas­ter and mar­ket­ing team are most famil­iar with will cost you less mon­ey in the long run because it will require less time to make changes. So there you have it. I am a true fan of Word­Press. Do not tell any­one this. I use it for my own web­site! Yet all I do is blog on here and real­ly noth­ing else. I do not do a lot of A / B test­ing, land­ing pages, new lay­outs, etc on this web­site. So for me, Word­Press was what I start­ed on for my blog and it is where I’ll stay. I also do my own blogs and do not out­source it. Yet for all those who are look­ing for some­one to cre­ate a new look and do more for you (and you do less) I’d strong­ly rec­om­mend going with his/​her rec­om­men­da­tions. If you ask me to be involved, you will most like­ly be switched over to Expres­sion Engine!

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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