Why I Recommend Basecamp Over CompanyCam for Project Photos

Posted by David Chism | Mon, Oct 30, 2017

 Why I Recommend Basecamp Over CompanyCam for Project Photos
I wrote about Com­pa­ny­Cam in more detail in the post: Is Com­pa­ny­Cam Good For Painters a few months back. In short, Com­pa­ny­Cam is a sim­ple app used to take pho­tos of projects, col­lab­o­rate about the pho­tos and have one place where all your pho­tos can be stored and orga­nized by job name. It is very easy to use. One of the key fea­tures of Com­pa­ny­Cam is how it helps to geo-tar­get the loca­tion of the project. You can read more about that in my prod­uct review. I had a num­ber of my clients begin using Com­pa­ny­Cam in 2017. It ful­filled a need at the time and still does for many of them. It is an easy way to take project pho­tos and talk about them as a team. The painters in the field caught on quick and start­ed mark­ing up the pho­tos, doc­u­ment­ing their job progress and so forth. It pro­vid­ed more checks and bal­ances hav­ing a sim­ple, easy to use project pho­to app. This is one of the key rea­sons a paint­ing com­pa­ny should have a process for tak­ing pho­tos besides just for mar­ket­ing pur­pos­es. You nev­er know when a prob­lem might sur­face. This is where Com­pa­ny­Cam or any qual­i­ty pho­to app can shine. You want to be able to have every pho­to time­stamped and if pos­si­ble, geolo­cat­ed. I’m writ­ing this post for those who are already using Base­camp 3 and Com­pa­ny­Cam as two sep­a­rate pro­grams or for those who are still try­ing to fig­ure out what is best for tak­ing job pho­tos. Com­pa­ny­Cam is an incred­i­ble pho­to app. You won’t be dis­ap­point­ed. In say­ing that, I have a cou­ple key rea­sons why I would sug­gest choos­ing Base­camp 3 as your go-to app over Com­pa­ny­Cam for tak­ing pho­tos of your projects. 
  1. Base­camp is far less expen­sive. Base­camp 3 is only $99 a month for unlim­it­ed employ­ees. It works well on a desk­top com­put­er, Android, and iPhone mobile devices. Com­pa­ny­Cam is cur­rent­ly $12 per user. If you have 10 painters using the App, it is $120 a month. 
  2. Time­stamp, His­to­ry & User: When you upload a pic­ture or file with­in Base­camp, it will auto­mat­i­cal­ly time­stamp the image, pro­vide a his­to­ry of changes and who post­ed it. The only thing it does not do like Com­pa­ny­Cam, is pro­vide the exact loca­tion (geo-map). Here is a hint for iPhone users though: Every pho­to you take (if the set­ting is on, is Mapped. You can click on a pho­to with­in the Pho­to App, swipe down and see the loca­tion of the pho­to of when/​where you took it (See exam­ple))
  3. One Less App To Use and Learn: Let’s face it, with the grow­ing amount of gad­gets and apps on the mar­ket, less is still bet­ter. Even though Com­pa­ny­Cam does one thing very well, Base­camp does a lot more and has many of the same fea­tures as Com­pa­ny­Cam. That is why I think it is a bet­ter use of your com­pa­ny’s time and resources to use few­er apps. Base­camp is get­ting more mobile friend­ly as well. I am a beta tester of the app and hap­pen to be one of the top mobile users of Base­camp. I am just as pro­duc­tive using Base­camp remote­ly as I am on a desktop.
  4. Col­lab­o­ra­tion is Eas­i­er: Pig­gy­back­ing on the 3rd rea­son, Base­camp 3 is an inter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tions pro­gram that has, easy to use, task and project man­age­ment built into it. 3 years ago, I could see painters using Email, Tex­ting or Yam­mer, Base­camp 2 (old­er ver­sion) and Com­pa­ny­Cam to com­mu­ni­cate and run projects. Now you can do all of that by using Base­camp 3. Base­camp allows you to stay in touch with your entire team and stay orga­nized. You will have all com­mu­ni­ca­tion, includ­ing your pho­tos, in one place. So if a cus­tomer ever rais­es an issue, you can review your Base­camp com­mu­ni­ca­tion and pho­tos (by date, by user, etc.) and get to the bot­tom of it quickly.
Note: I am not going into all the fea­tures of Base­camp in this post. I have writ­ten more about that in this post: Base­camp 3 for Com­mu­ni­cat­ing with Your Team. This is just to answer the ques­tions I received from one of my clients this month. Yes, I had a client ask me if they could use Base­camp instead of Com­pa­ny­Cam. Their field employ­ees vot­ed on it and said Base­camp was eas­i­er and the pre­ferred the App for pho­tos! So I did some test­ing and research for this paint­ing com­pa­ny just to make sure I was right! Heck, and it will save them sev­er­al hun­dred a month as well.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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