Why Should You Hire a Marketing Manager or Coach
Why should you consider outsourcing your marketing department to a guy like me? Why pay a few hundred a month when you could be spending that hard earned cash on advertising to get the phone to ring? Why do I do what I do? Before I answer that question, let me share with you a scenario of the typical small business owner and see if it sounds familiar. The owner of a small roofing business wants to grow to a half million dollar company in 1 year. He is currently doing $300,000 and decides to “do” some marketing. He reads a couple of articles, maybe a book or two and asks a few other small business owners what they spend on marketing. He ends up with the magical percentage of 7%! If he spends 7%, he is bound for success! He says to himself, “I’ll budget $35,000, create a nice ad for the phonebook, build a killer website, dust off my old business cards, print a few door hangers and I’ll be on my way towards the big $500,000 mark in no time!” After a a month or two, he realizes he still has no website, his full page ad in the phonebook is not getting him the leads the salesman promised him and he has not had the time to put a single door hanger on someone’s lucky door knob. Why did this happen? He finally comes to the conclusion that he 1) Does not have the time to advertise. 2) He really is not sure how to advertise to get the right results. 3) There is no silver bullet. The roofing owner then decides that his first plan did not work well enough and what he needs is to try other marketing ideas: Google Adwords, Facebook, and a mailing campaign! Sound familar? Most small business owners don’t have the time to plan and carry out an effective marketing plan. They also need help deciding on what types of marketing they should be doing for their business. A marketing manager can ask the crucial questions before deciding on a particular direction. For example, a marketing manager can interview the phonebook company and report back to the owner (you) with his or her thoughts on whether advertising in the book is a good idea. A marketing manager can organize your marketing department so that it is efficient, effective and consistent. You will avoid wasteful spending by having a professional managing your marketing. Finally, a marketing manager keeps you focused and on target. You will have more time to invest on other areas of your business and know that marketing is on the right track. Hiring a marketing manager is an investment. However, a good manager and coach will make sure you have a good ROI. He will make sure you spend your marketing dollars wisely instead of spending here and there and hope for good results. So, if you find yourself second guessing your marketing decisions or frankly don’t have the time to work on a consistent and focused plan, you really will enjoy working with a marketing manager!