Will Having a Nicer Looking Website Bring Me More Leads?

Responsive Websites
If I told you my website was based on Responsive Design, some of you might actually know what I was talking about more this year than last year. It is a fairly new way to design a website. Those of you who do not know what Responsive Website Design is just yet, I’ll explain. In short, a responsive website basically means the website can be displayed on most computers, tablets and mobile device screens. In other words, it responds and adapts to the screen of the end user. Before responsive coding, most websites had at least two web designs: one for the desktop and a mobile site. The more companies find out about a responsive design, the more they want their own websites redesigned. Why not! It is new. It is hip. It is cool and it just looks better! So the question I’ll answer in this post is this: “If I create a brand new, top of the line website today, does this mean I can expect more leads to come pouring in soon?”
I actually get asked this type of question often, even before responsive websites were popular. I especially hear this from contractors who do not have a strong web presence now and hope that by having a nice site, their business with explode with leads.
More Than the Design
The overall design of one’s website is very important. I am a fan of having a quality looking website. I think it should dovetail nicely with the rest of your company’s brand. I see a lot of websites out there that look nothing like the company’s other marketing material. So consistency is the key! Yet here is the takeaway, while a sharp and quality website is important, it takes a lot more than a quality looking website to start getting leads. The way to get more leads off your website is to make sure your website gets a good workout. This is where content marketing really comes into play. Content marketing covers a lot of ground and is another blog article in and of itself, but in short, content marketing on your website involves consistent and quality blogging.
When Should You Design a New Website
The simple answer: when you can afford it. It also depends on how involved you want to be in the whole process and how much control you want over your site. My company specializes more in custom design-built websites. So I do not get involved often in pre-designed template sites. Those are fine for some of you starting out in business or are new to the web. Yet for all the more established companies that have a website already, I’d say budget for a new and improved website that looks amazing when the money is available for this type of project. It is not inexpensive to design a custom responsive website. If your company is focused on good social media principles, online reviews and quality content creation, you will drive more traffic to your website. Once they are on your website, and your website is designed with the end user in mind, you will see an increase in leads. The point again is not build it and they will come. Those days are over. Today it is a matter of building up your company’s brand and reputation on and offline.
After I wrote this post, I stumbled upon a similar subject from The Sale Lion’s recent podcast: Why Mobile Matters For Inbound Marketing. If you have 30 minutes, it is worth your time.