Writing Before and After Blogs
I’ve heard these statements numerous times, “I am not sure what to write about!” or, “I may run out of ideas.” and even “Nobody wants to read about painting!” What is my response to these comments? “Head trash!” It is head trash. Now I doubt most of your customers or the general web visitors will be signing up to read your weekly blog post, but I can guarantee they are reading good content online and researching answers to their home improvement questions. So get rid of the head trash and start writing. Use good content and answer questions to your audience. Don’t worry about how many people subscribe or comment. Writing before and after blogs is probably the easiest way to start blogging if you don’t know what to write about or where to begin. You have a very visual business. Your customers want to see the work before it began and what it looks like when finished. Mrs. Franklin wants to know what her neighbor Beth chose for her dining room walls or what type of countertop she selected for her kitchen remodel. This is the perfect opportunity to write up your story. Talk about the project, the location (keywords), what the customer had in mind, how the project went, materials used, colors selected and much more. End with a quote from the client (or a video). Take the blog, once it is posted and submit it to your Facebook or Google + pages (if you decide to use those channels). We live in an age of information. People want to know something? They look it up online. Be the place that they come to find the answers and get inspired. Have you seen success writing blogs? A great follow up is to read Marcus Sheridan’s post on a similar subject, Why Facebook and Twitter Don’t Mean a Dang Thing for Online Success for Some Industries”