Writing Quality Page Titles For Your Website
One of the best ways you can help your website have better Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is by having quality page titles. Typically, I’ll see a lot of painter’s sites that have page titles that say things like, “Painters, Houses, Residential, Commercial, Somewhere City, Another City, How About Another City, Oh and This City, Why Not One More City.” This type of page title is written either out of desperation or a lack of knowledge of what a quality page title should look like! Google, Yahoo and MSN are quite picky about page titles, especially Google. To write a quality page title, a description of the current page, try to simplify the wording and make it relevant. In other words, don’t “spam” the titles with tons of text. Make it short, right to the point and real. For example, if I lived in the town of Pillsbury TX and had a paint company that did most of my work in that town, my “home PAGE TITLE on my site would probably read, “House Painting Contractor in Pillsbury TX | Pillsbury Painting Writing quality Page Titles will benefit your website in the long run. It makes you one step closer to getting better SEO results. If you need help in setting up your Page Titles, Send me an email.