Dropbox and Google Drive - Choose Only 1

Posted by David Chism | Mon, Mar 27, 2017


Many cus­tomers of mine and friends have used and con­tin­ue to use Drop­box to upload, store and share files and fold­ers. It has become the Kleenex” brand of online file stor­age. Drop­box is a fan­tas­tic pro­gram. It is super easy to use and has a num­ber of great fea­tures includ­ing its newest col­lab­o­ra­tion piece called Drop­box Paper.

Google Dri­ve

If your com­pa­ny is using G Suites (for­mer­ly Google Apps for Work) for your work email, then you already get some­thing sim­i­lar to Drop­box called Google Dri­ve. Orig­i­nal­ly Drop­box was bet­ter. I stored all my long term files/​folders in Drop­box and then used Google Dri­ve for unim­por­tant doc­u­ments and misc. files. Over a few years, I noticed that I began to save things in both places as Google Dri­ve cre­at­ed more fea­tures and became sim­i­lar to Drop­box. Soon I noticed I was won­der­ing where I was sav­ing things? Was that file in Drop­box of Google Dri­ve?” Sev­er­al years ago, I moved every file and fold­er from Drop­box to Google Dri­ve. I absolute­ly loved Drop­box, and I hat­ed part­ing ways. Yet I real­ized that Google Dri­ve did exact­ly the same things as Drop­box with even more options and fea­tures like col­lab­o­ra­tion and direct inte­gra­tion with my email plat­form (gmail). It also allowed me to cre­ate doc­u­ments and cus­tom spread­sheets very sim­i­lar to Microsoft Word or Excel. I do not remem­ber the last time I opened up MS Word or Excel to cre­ate a doc or spread­sheet! Once I got Google Dri­ve 100% set­up, I stopped pay­ing for Drop­box and using MS Word and Excel. (P.S. I can still save and work with MS Docs/​Excel with Google Drive…in case you were won­der­ing)

Drop­box or Google Dri­ve For Your Organization

If you are using Drop­box and Google Dri­ve and keep file and fold­ers in both places, it is time to plan on choos­ing Drop­box or Google Dri­ve. I would strong­ly encour­age you to not use both. The ONLY rea­son you would ever want to con­sid­er using both is if you want a sec­ond back­up in case, God for­bid, one of them was hacked.* Life will be so much eas­i­er when you choose one prod­uct and stick with it! If you have G Suites, you do not need Drop­box. That is the bot­tom­line. It will save you mon­ey too! If you want to pay extra and you like Drop­box bet­ter (and do not want to learn how easy it is to use Google Dri­ve) they pay for both —but only use 1 file stor­age pro­gram. As slick as Drop­box con­tin­ues to be, Google Dri­ve will def­i­nite­ly do the trick for any orga­ni­za­tion who already has G Suites. *To avoid get­ting hacked, make sure two-step authen­ti­ca­tion is turned on for all users!

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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