How Do You Communicate with Web Savvy People?

Posted by David Chism | Tue, May 31, 2016

 How Do You Communicate with Web Savvy People?

My Recent Expe­ri­ence Look­ing for a Ser­vice Company

Most of the work I do since I start­ed my com­pa­ny has been work­ing with ser­vice con­trac­tors nation­wide. So when it comes to know­ing the local con­trac­tors: who to call when I need ser­vice on my home, I do not always know who to call. I will rely on the Inter­net and pray I can find a good com­pa­ny I can trust. When I moved to my new home 5 years ago, the con­trac­tor installed cheap car­pet in my bed­room. He said it was top of the line, and he was def­i­nite­ly lying. It did not last all that long! This time around, I reached out online to a few local car­pet com­pa­nies to see what they would charge to install a qual­i­ty pad and car­pet. Now, before I get to why I am writ­ing this post, bear with me for a minute. Because I am in a lot of meet­ings, work­ing on projects, on and off lots of phone calls, I rely a lot on email to com­mu­ni­cate. I also trust that ser­vice com­pa­nies have good sys­tems in place to ser­vice demand­ing, Inter­net savvy peo­ple like me. I am par­tic­u­lar — yet rea­son­able. I am not look­ing for the cheap­est price. I do not have time to always get 3 – 5 bids. I am one of those busy guys who real­ly just wants a com­pa­ny who will show up and do what they say they will do for a price that I can afford.

Who Will Respond

So I went to the web, did a search, found 4 car­pet com­pa­nies local to me, and cut/​pasted my job descrip­tion to each one of them. I gave them my phone num­ber and email. I did not care if they emailed or called. I just want­ed to get my part of the job done: get­ting in touch with these com­pa­nies. I did not intend to get four bids, as I was pret­ty sure I would not hear from all four of them. Here is where it gets inter­est­ing! Close to 24 hours lat­er, I got an email from a sales rep who answered my ques­tions. She gave me a few ball­park ranges and kept the con­ver­sa­tion going. It still took almost a day to respond! No one respond­ed with­in a few hours (dur­ing busi­ness hours). Two oth­er com­pa­nies (rep­utable ones) still have not respond­ed in almost a week as I write this. The 4th com­pa­ny respond­ed by putting me on an auto­mat­ed email cam­paign. I could not believe it. I get emails from this com­pa­ny with basi­cal­ly a buy­er’s guide on floor­ing! No per­son­al ser­vice. There is a place for email automa­tion, but this was not one of them!

Who Got My Business?

I could have picked up the phone and called the 3 com­pa­nies that real­ly did not respond. Yet that is just not me. I rely on them to be the pro­fes­sion­al, not me. So the car­pet com­pa­ny who actu­al­ly respond­ed with a sales rep, came out to the house and gave me a bid was the one who won my busi­ness. Guess what, it was a lit­tle more than what I was think­ing too.

Are You Miss­ing Busi­ness Too?

You might be sur­prised to know there are more peo­ple out there like me. I am a GenX guy, but I act a lit­tle like a Mil­len­ni­al when it comes to using tech­nol­o­gy. Mil­len­ni­als rely very heav­i­ly on the use of tech­nol­o­gy and lit­tle on phone calls. If they do hap­pen to call an office and get an auto­mat­ed sys­tem, chances are they will hang up and not wait for a live per­son. That is just the way it is guys! Like it or not, that is the gen­er­a­tion we live in now. You might be miss­ing busi­ness if you rely on too much automa­tion, do not respond quick­ly or do not check over your sys­tems to see if your prospects are hear­ing from you at all! Some­times it can be as sim­ple as a bro­ken link on your website. This is a reminder to keep up with the times. That does not mean to have the lat­est and great­est soft­ware. No, it might just mean to make sure you are com­mu­ni­cat­ing with your prospects in a way they want to com­mu­ni­cate with you! You will win more business!

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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