Remember To Update Your Google My Business Hours and Info

Posted by David Chism | Tue, Jan 22, 2019

 Remember To Update Your Google My Business Hours and Info
In May of 2018, Adam Zobel wrote a blog explain­ing all about Google My Busi­ness. He also made it clear that it is not the same as Google+. Please take a moment to read his post from last year, and below I will give you a cou­ple brief reminders on what to keep up on in 2019 when it comes to your Google My Busi­ness (aka GMB) site.

Tip 1: Make Google My Busi­ness Part of a Week­ly Checklist 

Make sure some­one on your team is review­ing your list­ing each week. I would strong­ly rec­om­mend putting this on a check­list sys­tem or cal­en­dar event so it is not for­got­ten. I use Things 3 to remind me to review my own list­ing each week. 

Tip 2: Keep Up Your Hours of Operation

Google My Business updates for contractors One of the most impor­tant things any busi­ness should do on their GMB list­ing is update their hours of operation.  If you are hav­ing an impor­tant com­pa­ny meet­ing on a Fri­day after­noon, for exam­ple, make sure GMB is updat­ed to reflect an ear­ly clo­sure. Or, if you’re work­ing over a hol­i­day when peo­ple might assume you’re closed, update your list­ing so that your avail­abil­i­ty is clear! It’s easy to do. This tip is most impor­tant for retail stores. How­ev­er, it only takes a minute to update, and I would strong­ly rec­om­mend con­trac­tors get into the habit of updat­ing this area of GMB too. Google is push­ing GMB more and more in front of the con­sumer using Google Maps. It is very frus­trat­ing for a con­sumer to call or dri­ve by a loca­tion on a typ­i­cal day and find out the busi­ness was ran­dom­ly closed. Don’t make your cus­tomers won­der if you are open or not! 

Tip 3: Reg­u­lar Postings

marketing tips for contractors As Adam exam­pled in his pre­vi­ous post, reg­u­lar post­ing should be a part of the strat­e­gy and is very easy to do! You can upload only 1 pic­ture (at this time) and a short para­graph. That is real­ly all you need any­way. These are con­sid­ered micro-posts. Once again, this is great for retail stores to post reg­u­lar updates of what is going on in your place of busi­ness. Why can’t the con­trac­tor do the same thing? It keeps your busi­ness alive and active! 

Tip 4: Respond to Reviews and Questions

When you get a pos­i­tive or neg­a­tive review, make sure you have a good sys­tem in place to respond. If the review is neu­tral or neg­a­tive, try not to respond and jus­ti­fy any­thing. I would first rec­om­mend a call or pri­vate email to see what you can do to make a cus­tomer hap­py (if pos­si­ble). If all attempts fail, reply as gra­cious­ly as you can!  When you receive a pos­i­tive review, just take a moment to thank them.  Some­times a user might even ask a ques­tion. You can respond to that ques­tion and make it public. 

Tip 5: Pic­tures from You and Your Customer

This might pig­gy­back a bit on Tip 4. If a cus­tomer men­tions that he or she will write a Google review, see if a few pho­tos can be uploaded into the review.  When you are active on Google My Busi­ness, you will begin to see more traf­fic com­ing your way! You can review the Insights Tab each week or month to see how many vis­i­tors came across your GMB list­ing and what they did: asked for direc­tions, clicked to go to your web­site, or some­thing else.  Note: I did­n’t touch on the Chat fea­ture on Google My Busi­ness in this post. I’ve had this turned on for a num­ber of cus­tomers and have been test­ing it for over a year. I rarely see a chat request come in the door, but it does not hurt to give it a try yourself. 

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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